Candace Couse - Waste

Candace Couse Waste (3)

We've featured the incredible embroidery of visual artist Candace Couse before. She recently took some time to tell Street Anatomy about her new installation piece, titled Waste, that she installed in the Basement Gallery in Basel, Switzerland. Candace explains that Waste, “...explores ideas of malady, the body, relationships and loss through the internal, and deeply private realms of the body. Resembling something in between soft and tempting medical charts that beg to be touched, and the cross slices of anatomical studies, these organs form relationships that connect, disconnect and leave wounds in a montage typically reserved for the world beyond the skin.”

It's a beautiful visually interactive piece. Candace succeeds at simultaneously disjointing and connecting the human body. View more of Candace Couse's detailed anatomical embroidery at!

Candace Couse Waste (4)
Candace Couse Waste (1)
Candace Couse Waste (2)
Candace Couse Waste (5)

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