Street Anatomy Turns 3!


Dancing skeletons

It's been 3 years since Street Anatomy first started as a small blog on medical illustration and grew into one of the only blogs showcasing anatomy in art on the Internet. Over the years we've attracted enthusiastic contributors and have grown into a tight knit group of 5 unique team members spotting anatomy in art, advertising, design, media, food and beyond.

Big things are going to happen in 2010 including the first Street Anatomy Gallery show taking place at the International Museum of Surgical Science in September here in Chicago, IL. We're excited to put this show together and already have a list of incredible artists including popular toy designers, street artists and illustrators.

And of course a big thank you to all of our loyal readers and newcomers to Street Anatomy and those who have sent us great links! You guys keep us going.

— Vanessa R., Heather, Jenny, Vanessa V. And Luis

[Photo by Fobgoblin via Flickr]


Jorge Miguel Photography


Ben Tolman