The Visible Human Project Light Paintings


Croix Gagnon Frank Schott 1231 visible human project (4)Croix Gagnon Frank Schott 1231 visible human project (1)Croix Gagnon Frank Schott 1231 visible human project (3)Croix Gagnon Frank Schott 1231 visible human project (2)

In 1993, a convicted murderer was executed.  His body was given to science, segmented, and photographed for medical research.  In 2011, we used photography to put it back together.

12:31 is a series of photographs by Croix Gagnon and photographed by Frank Schott.  The process of making these haunting images is similar to creating the long-exposure light paintings we've all seen become popular over the past few years. The images Croix and Frank managed to capture through this process are other worldly!The Process:An animation of the sequence of 1,871 male cadaver slices from the Visible Human Project was created.  This animation was then played full screen on a laptop and moved through a dark environment while being photographed. The result is a series of ghostly misshapen images of the Visible Human cadaver in space.Croix Gagnon Frank Schott 1231 visible human project (1)View the entire 12:31 series here!


Dying For You to See Them


Anatomical Illustrations by Sarah Goodreau