Thomas Keeley: Everyday Surrealism


Thomas Keeley is a fine artist—although a more appropriate title might be “object artist”—who creates his art through subtle adjustments of reality.  He takes everyday objects and cloaks them with personality, like replacing the bristles of a hairbrush with fingers or putting ears on an old Panasonic walkman, thus transforming them into unique characters.Keeley finds working in 3 dimensions very rewarding saying that,

“I’ve always been interested in objects.  They have a unique ability to be very subjective while maintaining impartiality…they can be deeply personal for the individual while remaining unbiased…so they leave a lot of room for interpretation.”

Take a look through the rest of Thomas Keeley’s work on his portfolio site and read an in depth interview with him at Thanks to Heather for the link!  


Pill Head


Stop Consuming Your Body