Kate Lacour's Monsterous Anatomy


Kate Lacour HyperskullKate Lacour Hyperskull detailKate Lacour LingamKate Lacour YoniKate Lacour YonilingamComic artist Kate (Allen) Lacour created these symmetrical anatomical diagrams, rendered in pen and ink and painted in food coloring. This series comes as a side project to her popular comics, one of which, called Milk Teeth, features anatomical diagrams and wordless vignettes of mythical creatures. Her comics and anatomical renderings have been called inventive, bizarre, visceral, grim, and disturbingly brilliant. I already have my copy ordered!View more of Kate Lacour's fabulous work at sharkbrains.com.


Erik Svetoft's Decomposing Beings


Arno Roca is Plastic Outside and Plastic Inside