Nike Women's Skeleton Workout Tights

Nike has these beautiful workout tights for women in the two above colors plus a khaki and black option. They are described by the company as tights meant for a woman who,

On the outside, she might be the girl next door, but on the inside, her body has survived grueling workouts, often pushing through pain, broken bones, pulled muscles and harsh tears.  With images of X-Ray bones digitally printed on the outside, the exclusive print tight gives a glimpse of her inner toughness...They are not to be worn by the timid, the weak or the wallflower. They are for the woman who wants to let people know she’s not just an average girl – she’s an athlete.

These are some cool looking tights and I like that they come in different colors, wouldn't mind seeing more colors in fact.

[via Super Punch and Nike


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Patcho Quinto