Medical Artists Step Up to The 2012 London Olympics


Emily Evans Hurdler BBCEmily Evans Hurdles trpitych Hunterian Museum London The incredibly fascinating Royal College of Surgeon's Hunterian Museum in London has just opened an Olympic-themed exhibit in their Qvist Gallery, Anatomy of an Athlete: Elite sport, surgery and medical art.  The Hunterian called upon some of the top artists from the Medical Artists’ Association of Great Britain to create pieces that explore the anatomy and physiology of pro-athlete injuries in this summer's 2012 London Olympics.Pictured up top is our good friend Emily Evans of AnatomyUK standing in front of her piece, Hurdles, a triptych depicting a traumatic detachment of the hamstring from the ischial tuberosity.  Hurdlers are especially at risk for hamstring injuries, which are extremely painful!  Accompanying the triptych is a medical illustration of the surgical technique used to repair the injury.View more work from the exhibition via the BBC and if you're in London make sure and stop by!


Marcin Oleksak's Medical Illustrations


Suzie Chaney's Fragments