Michelle Anderst - An Elegant Collection of Data Points
Artist Michelle Anderst received her certificate in Natural Science Illustration but she says that anatomy takes center stage in her artwork. Her pieces combine the natural and man-made gracefully. I'm especially drawn to her anatomy and circuitry pieces.Michelle says of her work;
I am currently using my illustrative style to form fictional but plausible unions of biological and man-made structures on canvas. In my studies of science, I have observed many structural similarities in nature which man has also used to achieve a similar function. One example of this is found in the end point of a circuit, called a lead, located on a computer board. This structure looks very similar to a nerve cell ending called a bouton. Both constructions serve the purpose of communicating electronic signals but one is built by man and the other occurs naturally. I paint wallpaper in my compositions to enhance and compare the elegance that I see in bones, veins and nerves. I would like viewers of my artwork to think about the patterns and beauty in these parts of our bodies instead of seeing them as a reference to death.
View more of Michelle's fantastic work on her site, michelleanderst.com