Street Anatomy is Off to London


It's been about 7 years since I last step foot in London and I am finally going back—could not be more excited!  On the itinerary is a full on anatomical/medical tour of London-town and some of it's most fascinating anatomically inclined people.  For the next week I'll be bringing you posts straight from the city rich in medical and anatomical history.

Below is an itinerary of just some of the people and places Street Anatomy will visit!

Wellcome Collection
Wellcome Collection is a free visitor destination for the incurably curious. Located at 183 Euston Road, London, it explores the connections between medicine, life and art in the past, present and future.

Hunterian Museum
In 1799 the government purchased the collection of John Hunter which they presented to the College.  The museum displays thousands of anatomical specimens, including the Evelyn tables and the skeleton of the "Irish giant" Charles Byrne, and many surgical instruments.

Hoxton Street Monster Supplies
Welcome to East London’s premier purveyor of everyday and bespoke goods for the living, dead and undead. We stock a pharmacopoeia of different types of fear, a complete range of edible human preserves and everyday household essentials like Fang Floss and Zombie Mints.

Viktor Wynd's Little Shop of Horrors and Viktor Wynd Fine Art
The Shop is perhaps best seen as an attempt to recreate or reinterpret, within 21st century sensibilities, a 17th century Wunderkabinett; a collection of objects assembled at a whim on the basis of their aesthetic or historical appeal

Old Operating Theater, Museum and Herb Garret
The Old Operating Theatre Museum is one of the most unusual museums in London. The Operating Theatre is the oldest in Europe and found in a unique space in the Herb Garret of St Thomas Church, and was part of old St Thomas Hospital.

GV Art Gallery
London Art gallery working with artists that engage with science to investigate human conditions.

Emily Evans of the Anatomy UK blog

Miss Cakehead of the Cakehead Loves Evil blog


Aleksandra Waliszewska


Ron Pippin