The Chapman Brothers
Jake and Dinos Chapman are brothers who collaborate on art that frequently deals with questions of sexuality, violence, and what I would call historical re-imaginings. In 2008 they had an exhibition titled "If Hitler Had Been a Hippy How Happy Would We Be", which not only put on display a series of Hitler's watercolors "vandalized" by the brothers, but also nine glass cases filled with miniature figures enacting and enduring atrocious acts. The glass cases, by the way, were arranged in the shape of a swastika.The Chapman brothers use many mediums in their art, including sculpture and paintings. Before their defacement of Hitler's art the brothers had gained notoriety for doing the same to a set of Goya's prints.
I find a lot of their work simultaneously disturbing and hilarious. I think a lot of the humor comes in the titles of their exhibitions, such as "Explaining Christians to Dinosaurs" and "Bad Art for Bad People." Maybe they figured viewers need to walk into the exhibit with an understanding that this is funny. You cannot tell me that the below is NOT funny.
You can check out more of their work on their site. I highly recommend checking it out for more anatomically incorrect and original works as well as other paintings and sculptures.[via The Nerdist]