Smoking kills


DJ Stout's cigarette packagesDJ Stout's cigarette packagesDJ Stout's cigarette packagesHere's some attention-getting cigarette packaging designs by DJ Stout for an exercise in the St. Petersburg Times, in response to new marketing regulations.  No longer will colorful marketing tactics and displays be the approach for the tobacco industry, but instead replaced with black and white text. DJ Stout designed these with a realistic visualization of what smoking really does to the body—death. But no matter how honest packaging can be about the danger of smoking, the addicts will still be loyal to the drug.

Here's what Stout has to say:“Over the years there has been an onslaught of public awareness messaging about the evils of smoking,” says Stout. “Unless you’ve been living in a cave for the last 50 years you are very aware that smoking is not only bad for you, it could very likely kill you. All smokers know this for sure but it doesn’t deter them.



Lisa Congdon—Anatomie


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