It Happened on a Sunday...


"Cupid and Centaur" (1992)A very interesting image by Joel-Peter Witkin, an American photographer with a fascination for the morbid, sexual, and unordinary.As a child, Witkin witnessed a horrific car accident that would influence his work later on in life.

It happened on a Sunday when my mother was escorting my twin brother and me down the steps of the tenement where we lived. We were going to church. While walking down the hallway to the entrance of the building, we heard an incredible crash mixed with screaming and cries for help. The accident involved three cars, all with families in them. Somehow, in the confusion, I was no longer holding my mother's hand. At the place where I stood at the curb, I could see something rolling from one of the overturned cars. It stopped at the curb where I stood. It was the head of a little girl. I bent down to touch the face, to speak to it -- but before I could touch it someone carried me away.

Look through his portfolio and you'll see just how this experience permeates through all his works.[via Heather]  


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