Street Anatomy: the First Anniversary!


rp_retro_anatomy.jpgIt's been exactly one year since I started Street Anatomy, not knowing whether anyone would actually be interested in a blog on medical illustration. Over 450,000 visitors, 500 links from other sites, and 460 subscribers later, I'd say people are interested! It's been a successful year and I've put a lot of effort into updating, maintaining, and expanding Street Anatomy, and that's only going to continue.I'm also developing another site called Think Anatomy, which is going to have a collection of the best educational anatomy resources on the Internet. Updates on that will be coming in the next few months!Some of the big achievements:

  • Awards: Thinking Blogger Award, Blog of the Day Award, Gold Bloggy Award
  • Mentioned on NBC News in San Diego
  • I've been linked to by some top blogs like BoingBoing, Neatorama, Mental Floss, Pharyngula, Medgadget, Kevin MD
  • Mentioned at the 2007 Association of Medical Illustrators annual conference
  • Above all I've been able to connect with some of the top professionals in the medical illustration and animation fields. And they have all been gracious enough to share their information and knowledge with me.

Here are some of my top posts over the past year:

I'd like to thank all my readers, teachers, friends, and my mom for helping me make Street Anatomy successful and for giving me the motivation to blog. A special thanks goes to Berci over at Scienceroll for helping me get Street Anatomy off the ground in its early stages and for giving me some great blogging advice.  


At the Intersection of Anatomy and Geography

